Baby's Progress


Friday, May 6, 2011

It's a....

GIRL!!!!  Well I guess it's time to change the name of the blog! We're no longer impatiently waiting! I can't believe the moment we've anticipated is finally here! Ms. Devyn Kristina Anderson was born on May 4th at 8:54 am.  She was 6 lbs 11.5 oz and 20 inches long! Daddy is so proud (and if anyone bet him it was a boy, he's expecting prompt payment LOL)!!!

As you know, I was scheduled to be induced Wednesday morning at 6 am. Well, around 2-2:30am, I woke up to use the I was coming back to bed, I noticed some cramping that seemed to be getting progressively worse. So I started timing the cramping and it was about 2 minutes apart. At that point, I woke Delan up and had him help me time this to make sure I'm not crazy. 

After a couple more contractions, we decided to head to the hospital (not before I tried to do my hair, brush teeth etc...all unsuccessfully). We checked into the hospital at 3:15 am and I was 5cm dilated. I received an epidural immediately and a couple hours later, I was 10 cm. However, the baby was still a bit high so they wanted me to labor for another hour to get the baby down. I had 3-4 good pushes and Devyn entered the world!  She's perfect!  

She has the sweetest personality and such a dainty cry. She's gonna have to learn to cry harder if she wants to be heard over Gracie lol. We'll have some more updates and pictures on Ms. Devyn when we get home from the hospital!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Light at the end of the tunnel

Well, it's almost here! After months and months of waiting, it's almost time! I can't wait to meet this little person who has overhauled my body for the last 9 months!  Delan is super excited and anxious as well. AND, we all get to find out if it's a boy or a girl!  I'm super excited to go shopping for gender specific clothes now!  What's funny is that my induction date is my original due date before they pushed it back when I had my first ultrasound.  

I'm still hoping that I go into labor on my own and I don't need to be induced but at this point, I'll take anything to get my ankles back and walk without pain. So for now, I'm off work and just hanging out and time I post, Baby Anderson will be here!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


We we're at 38 weeks now...STILL pregnant... Dr. Orwick lied to me! LOL. I'm still 4cm dilated and 92% effaced. I went in today and she was wondering why the heck I was there and how on earth I'm still walking around! She can't induce prior to 39 weeks without a medical cause, and swelling alone isn't a cause (it certainly should be).  But she's comfortable with inducing since I'm almost half way there as it is. She said I might just need my water broken to move along. So....she's inducing me Wednesday next week if I don't go on my own for my own sanity and the sanity of those around me LOL.

On another note, we lost a very dear family member last night.  Our puppy, Fefe, died at home with mom and she was about 15 years old. We've had her since she was 1 and I remember BEGGING mom to let me bring her home because the neighbor was going to get rid of her.  She holds a huge space in all of our hearts and it won't be the same without her.

R.I.P. Fefe 1995-April 26, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

37 it time?!

Well we've had an interesting week. Installed the carseats in the cars, found out another neighbor is expecting. That makes 4 of us in a row that are expecting now! Guess if you don't want to be pregnant, don't drink our water on Winberry Creek!

I went to the doctor this morning and I'm almost 4 cm and still 90% effaced. The doc said that I'm making great progress being a first pregnancy and all.  She really doesn't want me to go full term because I'm small and doesn't want me to have a baby that's too big to deliver.

So around 10 this morning, I was in a meeting and noticed some cramping but I've had it on and off for the last week. But, this cramping was different than the other times and they had a start and a end. I tried to walk it out but it's not stopping so I came home. Maybe the doctor started my labor!  

I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Holy Crap!!!

So I went to the doctor today for my 36 week check up some exciting/frightening news!  The doctor said that I'm 3cm dilated and 90% effaced! For those not up to par on medical terms, I'm including an illustration.

She thinks that I'm not going to go all the way to May for sure...she gave me about 1-2 weeks or so. If we have to induce because of my blood pressure, it would be super easy because I already have a head start.  Otherwise, baby is healthy, heart rate is going down though and was 140 today. My blood pressure was 140/90 again today, right on the edge but not enough to concern the doctor completely. She said the higher blood pressure is normal at the end of pregnancy and there is nothing I can do about the swelling except for delivering...

Now we feel the pressure to get the car seats installed and those last few baby items.

I'll keep updating as the news comes along!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Little scare

I went to take a much needed rest today at work at the nurses station and I asked the nurse to check my blood pressure for me since I'm still super swollen.  Well she checked it and it was a little elevated for me, 134/88, so I laid down on my left side for about 30 minutes and the nurse took my blood pressure again. It went up to 140/90! She suggested I call my doctor, which I did and they had me come in to check for protein in my urine just to be safe. 

Everything checked out ok, my blood pressure was still kinda high but no protein. The doctor is concerned about my swelling though in my legs and feet and she wants me to go daily and get my blood pressure checked at work. I have another appointment on Friday to check it at the doctors office and if it's still elevated, they'll do some blood work to try and figure out what's going on.

I'll keep you posted!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Almost 35 weeks

Welp...we're almost 35 weeks...5 weeks to go! Where has the time gone?! Lots of new stuff has been going on though.  I have my next appointment with the doctor April 12th and then I go weekly after that. She told me she's probably not going to do an ultrasound because I'm measuring so well and there's no reason to think that the baby will be too big.

I'm still super swollen but it's all for a good cause...right? While the nurse was getting the heartrate with the doppler, she asked me if I was having a little boy. I said well I don't know but what makes you think that? She said the heartrate, which was 145. I said well if you think so, I'll believe you! One more for team BLUE!

So I had a bad day at work last week and decided to stop at a car dealership that I pass every day on the way intention of purchasing, just looking. Well after all the stars aligned with the numbers and I took it on a 24 hour test drive, I am the new owner of a 2011 Nissan Rogue! It's more space for the baby and Gracie and all the crap that comes with the baby and Gracie. I love it so far!

The nursery is finally getting some life to it...I found the floor again after sorting through all the gifts. Trying to get the thank you cards finished and sent out and just finish up some last minute things before our little bundle gets here!  Here's this week's belly pic! Not sure if I have any more room to grow any bigger!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

33 Weeks

Well, we've made it to 33 weeks! 47 days left to go! A girl at work said her first was born at 37 weeks on the full moon...the next full moon is April 18th, when I'm exactly 37 weeks. Just saying...

In other's official! Delan is now an Anderson! His court date was March 22nd and all has been approved! Now we have to go through the process of changing his name everywhere, social, license, bills etc. but it's done! I'm so happy he was able to get that done, he's only been talking about it for years!

The baby shower was a huge success! Mom and Sara did a great job organizing it! We had a great turnout! Even had friends and family from out of town! I have a work shower that Danielle is putting together this Friday...yay!  Here are some pics from the day.

Me and Delan

Danielle, Shauna and I

The crowd

One of the cupcake umbrella cakes

My personal cake


I'm starting to get the uncomfortable late pregnancy stuff, swollen face, feet, I have carpal tunnel or something going on in my right hand. The doctor suggested I get a brace to sleep in and to help throughout the day.  My little salsa dancer is busy practicing moves all day and night, I can't wait until we start dance lessons! LOL. 

Oh yeah, my doctor did some feeling of my stomach and we're pretty sure the baby is head down now. I have a big knot in the front of my stomach and that's the bum.  I also asked her if she can tell how big the baby is now. She said that I'm measuring on target and since neither Delan or myself were big babies, she doesn't anticipate this baby being too big. However, because I'm small, she's going to do an ultrasound toward the end to get a better idea and make sure it's not too big to fit through my pelvis. At least I'll get to see the baby again!

Until next time!

Monday, March 14, 2011

32 Weeks!

I can't believe I'm 32 weeks today! 56 days to go...but who's counting? I feel like just the other day I was hollering about being 16 weeks. We're getting into the home stretch!  I'm starting to get excited and nervous all at the same time! I wonder what kind of parent I'll be, can I handle delivery, am I gonna go after my due date, and just plain old "are we ready yet?!".  I'm also stressed at work because there isn't really a plan to backfill my work yet, and we don't have a lot of time left to figure that out.

I know we'll be fine but all this anticipation is killing us! Delan was super excited in the beginning and now has fizzled out because he had to wait too long lol. I on the other hand was kinda so-so in the beginning and now I'm getting excited because I see the end is near!

I'm now starting to swell rings don't fit, my rain boots don't fit around my leg, I just feel plain old puffy. I'm starting to get pretty uncomfortable. 

On another note, the shower is this weekend! I'm super excited about that! All of my family from Pittsburgh is coming into town. I'm excited to show them my Columbus life! I also have some friends coming from out of town. It'll be so nice to see everyone! I also have one scheduled at work for March 25th.

I have a doctor appt tomorrow so we'll see if anything new arises. I'm going to see if she can tell me about how big the baby is now and the position of the baby at all. I have something going on in my right rib but I'm not sure if it the head or butt!

Here's this week's belly shot!

Until next time!

Friday, February 25, 2011

If it's in a book....

If there's a pregnancy symptom in a book, I have it!  The latest one...PUPPPs. And no, it's not related to dogs. I know many of you are wondering if you need to go to Babies R Us or Petsmart now LOL!

It's basically a rash that happens in the last trimester of pregnancy that starts on your stomach but can spread to your arms and legs as well.  Basically its a reaction to the fetal I'm allergic to my own baby! It's not harmful to baby or me, just REALLY annoying. I have a mild case now so we're just treating with some Benedryl at night and cortisone cream during the day. Unfortunately, this rash won't go away until after delivery so I'm stuck with this for the next 10 weeks!

Here's more info on it if you're interested:

On another note, we finally found a sitter! YAY! The most stressful thing is done. She's a very nice lady, she has kids around my age and lives literally around the corner. She has a beautiful home and is registered with the State of Ohio.

Not much else is going on...I'm getting lots of kicks, they're under the ribs now and starting to hurt. They're not cute little taps anymore.  That means the little baby is growing and getting strong! We're getting anxious and excited to meet this little person! We have our hospital tour scheduled for Sunday and our Baby Basics class scheduled for March 6th. I'm starting to get nervous about the actual delivery...I watch too much tv and see all these things that might or might not happen!

Here's this week's belly shot!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Nothing new

I realized it's been a while since I posted.  Nothing new is going on really...I'm 29 weeks today! 77 days to go! It's counting down!  I'm on my bi-weekly appointments now. I'm probably gonna start getting tired of my doctor soon :-)

I had lots of questions for her around delivery and what that's gonna look like. We also signed up for baby basics class cause I'm not sure I even know how to change a diaper!

The baby shower is coming up March 19th! I'm so excited cause friends and family from out of town will be coming! Finally, some people can see my hood :-)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

No news is good news

Well, I haven't heard from the doctor at all last week so I'm going to assume that my glucose and iron test went well. I have another doctor appointment on Friday this week and I'll be every two weeks for the next 8 weeks. After that, I go weekly until delivery!

The baby has really been doing some aerobics in the womb lately...the kicks have been getting stronger and stronger. I'm also starting to get more uncomfortable. I don't sleep very well anymore and even sitting begins to get uncomfortable after a while. I just remember that this is all temporary....
We've scheduled our hospital tour for the end of the month and also finished the baby registry.  Still on the hunt for childcare but we're getting closer to finding someone.

I went shopping with Sara last night and we picked out a cute "coming home" outfit for the baby!
We also saw the funniest shirt, I almost got it but had to restrain! For those that know me, I'm always attached to my ipod so this shirt was more than fitting.
In other news, Delan finally filed his papers with the state of Ohio to get his name changed...yay! The goal is to get this done before the baby comes so we'll all have the same last name eventually :-)

Until next time!